Rochelle Cowan

It’s not just about fixing symptoms- I’m on a mission to normalise pelvic health. No woman should be embarrassed or suffer pain when the cause can be treated so easily. It is time we change the conversation.

I’m a qualified physiotherapist, mum of 5 and an advocate for women’s health. In my 20 years of work, I have helped hundreds of women with their pelvic floor symptoms and become more confident in the process.

Many health specialists forget there is a person and a story behind the symptom. I take a holistic approach to make sure women get to live the healthy, happy lives they deserve.

Whatever your goals, I will give you the tools and the knowledge to improve your condition.

Katy Winters

‘I believe in treating the person, not just the pelvic floor! All bodies have a story to tell, whatever our life phase; we may hold birth scars, prolapses, and bladder and bowel leakage can often take us by surprise. Intercourse can become uncomfortable, or not as enjoyable any more, or menopause symptoms may put us in a spin..
There is help for all these things.. and this is my passion!’..

Using a whole body, ‘systems’ approach to pelvic health, with nearly 23 years service, I have helped many women and men overcome their pelvic health issues, and become more confident, strong and happier because of it..

I qualified from Nottingham university in 2000 and have extensive experience both in the NHS and private sector, and a wealth of specialist post graduate training to draw skills from.

I have enjoyed hosting and presenting menopause and childbearing wellness workshops in my community, and online talks to GP’s and other healthcare providers. My aim is to help educate and empower people to advocate for themselves regarding their pelvic health, and ultimately live the life they want to live, the way they want to live it.. When I’m not working I love to ditch the house work and walk up big hills with my kids and jump into lakes..’

Special Services include:

Prolapse assessment and Pessary provision
Pelvic floor release, for overactive muscles
Strength training for the whole body and Pelvic Floor.
Pelvic pain treatment with manual therapy and Acupuncture
Movement therapy with MovNat – (natural, practical body rehab)
